Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Luke's First Mission Trip

When Luke turned 13 I (his Mom) felt like God was asking me to pray one specific prayer for him daily.  I very simply pray that Luke would draw closer to God.  I believe God has answered and will continue to answer that prayer in many wonderful ways.  One day last month, we received a phone call from our former pastor and friend, Pastor Sam Dennis.  Brad has been invited to come preach with Pastor Sam on a mission trip to Brazil, and Luke has been given the opportunity to go along with his dad. This fourteen day mission trip in July is being organized by our former church, ParkwayHills Baptist in Plano.  We know it will cost financially, but we believe in faith that this is just another prayer God will answer.
We are writing to ask you to partner with Luke & Brad on this trip in a variety of ways.  First and foremost we ask for prayers.  Please pray that our team travels will be safe and we’ll remain healthy. Pray also that God will teach Luke more about Himself and especially pray that they’ll be able to communicate God’s love to the people they meet.  We ask for peace of mind as the Martin boys leave the Martin girls for this long trip.
The cost for the trip is $2000. This includes all of Luke's travel, lodging, meals and needs for the trip.  We humbly ask that you would consider investing in this mission through a financial donation.  We ask that you pray and ask God if this is something you feel called to do, and if so that in faith He will bless whatever you decide to give and multiply it, like the loaves and fishes.  This money is due by July 7th.  Whatever amount that is on your heart is greatly appreciated!
Luke will be looking for fundraising ideas and ways to earn his way, so please be on the lookout for chores or lawn work he could do this summer!  He is getting great at mowing the lawn and is even good with kids, if you need a few hours to work at home while he entertains!  School is out Thursday, May 19, so please let us know when you're ready to hire him! 
 While on this trip, Luke will be journaling about all of his adventures and we will add daily prayer requests to this blog: http://martin5missions.blogspot.com/ 
Thank you for your consideration in being a part of our Martin support team.   If you have questions, please send an email to smartinhome @ gmail dot com.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matt.28:19-20 

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